Ahzaa.Net: Grammar
Pengertian dan Penggunaan Keterangan Cara (Adverb of Manner) dalam Bahasa Inggris

Pengertian dan Penggunaan Keterangan Cara (Adverb of Manner) dalam Bahasa Inggris

Adverbs (kata keterangan) adalah kata yang menjelaskan; tentang bagaimana caranya, dimana tempatnya, kapan waktunya, berapa kali dan sebagainya, suatu pekerjaan dilakukan dan atau suatu peristiwa terjadi. Fungsinya adalah untuk memberikan keterangan terhadap verbs (kata kerja), adjectives (kata sifat), noun phrases (frase kata benda), adverbs (kata keterangan) yang lain atau seluruh kalimat. Adverbs disebut juga sebagai penjelas (modifier) dalam sebuah kalimat.  

Dalam bahasa Inggris ada berbagai bentuk kata keterangan seperti adverb of manner, adverb of place and direction adverb of time, adverb of degree, adverb of frequency, adverb of quantity, interrogative adverb, dan relative adverb. 

Nah, pada tulisan ini akan kita bahas mengenai salah satu dari adverbs tersebut yaitu  Adverb of mannerAdverb of manner merupakan adverb  atau kata keterangan untuk menyatakan cara akan suatu kegiatan dilakukan atau peristiwa terjadi. Dalam kalimat tanya, pertanyaan yang diajukan biasanya dengan memakai kata "How" (bagaimana). 

Contoh :
  • She runs quickly.   ( Dia berlari dengan cepat)
  • Martha sings sweetly. (Martha bernyanyi dengan merdu)
  • Hendy speaks English fluently. ( Hendy berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan lancar)
Posisi Adverb of Manner
1.  Terletak setelah main verb bila tidak terdapat direct object
Contoh :
  • He runs fast.
  • She sings beautifully.
2. Terletak setelah object
Contoh :
  • He threw the ball quickly.
  • He drives a car carefully.
3. Terletak diantara auxiliary verb dengan main verb.
Contoh :
  • She quickly finished her lunch.
  • He greedily ate the fried rice. 
Secara umum Adverb of manner dibentuk dengan menambahkan akhiran -ly ke dalam adjective (Adjective +ly) dengan pengecualian pada beberapa bentuk adverb of manner tanpa menambahkan bentuk -ly. Untuk lebih jelasnya, bisa diperhatikan pada tabel berikut ini.

1. Adjective + ly
 slowly  dengan pelan/ lambat
 quickly  dengan cepat
 rapidly  dengan cepat
 patiently  dengan sabar
 carefully  dengan hati- hati
 politely  dengan sopan
 honestly  dengan jujur
 carelessly  dengan ceroboh
 angrily  dengan marah
 loudly  dengan keras
 rudely  dengan kasar
 happily  dengan gembira
 completely  dengan lengkap
 perfectly  dengan sempurna
 softly  dengan lembut
 accurately  dengan cermat
 fluently  dengan lancar
 anxiously  dengan cemas
 directly  dengan langsung
 smoothly  dengan mulus
 correctly  dengan benar
 bravely  dengan berani
 foolishly  dengan bodohnya
 kindly  dengan baik
 neatly  dengan rapi
 heavily  dengan berat
 beautifully  dengan cantinya
 quietly  dengan tenang

2. Pengecualian
 good  dengan baik
 fast  dengan cepat
 late  dengan lambat
 hard  dengan keras

Note : 
Kata sifat -ly
Beberapa kata sifat dalam bahasa Inggris diakhiri dengan -ly. Beberapa kata sifat tersebut biasanya berkaitan dengan waktu misalnya pada kata weekly , contoh : weekly meeting (weekly sebagai adjective). Dalam hal ini, bentuk adverb juga memiliki form yang sama dengan bentuk adjective.  Berikut adalah beberapa kata sifat yang memakai akhiran -ly,
  • hourly
  • daily
  • weekly
  • monthly
  • yearly
  • annually
  • costly
  • friendly
  • silly
Demikian sekilas pembahasan mengenai pengertian dan penggunaan bentuk keterangan cara (Adverb of Manner) dalam bahasa Inggris. Semoga Bermanfaat

Latihan Soal Grammar Structure Bahasa Inggris Online Part V

Latihan Soal Grammar Structure Bahasa Inggris Online Part V

Selamat datang kembali di blog Ahzaa Media, pada posting ini, akan dilanjutkan lagi soal latihan structure grammarnya. Bagian ini sudah seri kelima. Apabila soal-soal ini masih kurang, bisa diklik pada seri soal-soal latihan sebbelumnya.  Soal latihan ini bisa digunakan untuk mengukur pengetahuan anda tentang grammar dasar yang mencakup beberapa materi tentang tenses, pronouns, passive voice, dan sebagainya. Bagi yang akan  mengikuti tes bahasa Inggris khususnya yang mencakup soal structure, latihan soal ini sangat tepat untuk menjajaki sejauh mana kemampuannya.

Soal latihan berikut berbentuk pilihan ganda dengan 4 (empat) opsi dan silahkan pilih jawaban yang benar dengan memilih atau menge-klik pilihan yang paling tepat. Dan setelah anda menyelesaikan kuis ini, skor dan jawaban yang benar akan ditampilkan. Jangan lupa tuliskan skor pada kolom komentar yaa...Bagikanlah ke teman- teman lainnya bila tulisan ini menarik dan bermanfaat.

Baik, kita langsung saja ke soal latihannya. 
Students should ... their homework on time
a.  submitted
b. submit
c. submitting
d. submits
Pembahasan :
Penggunaan modal auxiliary ( can, may, must, should, shall, will, etc) harus diikuti oleh kata kerja bentuk 1 ( V-base, pilihan yang paling benar adalah (b).

1. Some of the seminar participants .... several hours ago.
had arrived
have arrived

2. Andrea Hirata became famous after he ... his second novel.

3. Nita always goes swimming every Sunday and ... her friends.
so does
so do
neither do
don't either

4. If this country intends to apply the PSBB, ... the food supply.
this country must double
so this country must double
and which double
and must double

5. The school was thoroughly .... yesterday by the cleaning service crew.
to clean

6. The package containing the necessary goods ....
have been sent
were sent
has just been sent

7. Rudi always works harder than Dino ...
he does

8. ... impressive part of the book is in the last chapter.
Most of the
It is the most
The most

9. After the reports ... the secretary went home.
were typing
had been typed
had typed

10. Neither Linda's brothers nor her elder sister ... traveling.
are eager to
want to

11. He might ... him next week.

12. The interviews by television reporters... live by the station.
was carried
were carried

13. We ... when the telephone rang.
were having dinner
watched TV
are watching TV

14. ... , I would go to the cinema.
If I were free
If I were busy
If I have free time
I were busy

15. Linda has not arrived yet, and ....
either does Ann
Ann hasn't either
nor does Ann
so does Ann

16. He ... when he was shaving this morning.
hurts him
cut himself
hurting himself
cutting himself

17. She has ... for him for two hours.
been waited
been waiting

18. ... her mother, Linda is very good at playing piano.

19. Not all students ... the rules in this school.
has known

20. ..., he would have passed the examination.
Were he studied
Had he studied hard
If he already study
He had studied hard
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Latihan Soal Online Tag Questions Bahasa Inggris

Latihan Soal Online Tag Questions Bahasa Inggris

Question Tags adalah ungkapan yang digunakan seseorang untuk memberikan pernyataan dengan memberikan penegasan untuk meyakinkan penyataannya tersebut di akhir dari kalimatnya. 
Untuk membuat Question Tag, ada beberapa aturan antara lain adalah sebagai berikut,

Aturan Dalam Membuat Question Tags
Aturan 1
Bila pernyataan Positif, maka Question Tag-nya negatif. Hal ini berarti menyangkal dari penyataan yang dikemukakan tadi.
Contoh :
  1. The Covid-19 is dangerous, isn't it?
  2. She can play piano, can't she?
  3. Jovan comes late, doesn't she?
  4. My sister is watching television, isn't she? 

Aturan 2
Bila pernyataan negatif, maka Question Tag-nya positif.

  1. Aurel cannot speak Javanese, can he?
  2. She will not go to Jakarta, will she?
  3. The students don't come late, Do they?
  4. We are not happy, are we?
  5. Ann didn't like reading, did she?

Aturan 3
Dalam kalimat verbal bentuk simple present dan past tense, maka do, does atau did ditambahkan dalam pembuatan Question Tags-nya.
Contoh :

  1. The man waits his nephew in the station, doesn't he?
  2. He likes fishing, doesn't he?
  3. They visited Zoo last week, didn't they?
  4. They always start their lesson at 7 a.m, don't they?

Aturan 4
Apabila kalimat menggunakan modal dan auxiliary,  maka Question Tags-nya menggunakan modal dan auxiliary yang terletak paling depan.
Contoh :
  1. He has never been in Bali, hasn't  he?
  2. She will go to Jakarta tomorrow, won't she?
  3. They will be an engineer next year, won't they?

Aturan 5
Kata- kata yang digunakan dalam Question Tags adalah I, You, He, She, It, They, dan There.
Penggunaan It merujuk pada kata- kata berikut ini
  • everything
  • nothing
  • this ...
  • that ...
  • his ...
  • your ...
Sedangkan penggunaan They merujuk pada kata- kata
  • everyone
  • someone
  • somebody
  • no one
  • nobody
Contoh :
  1. Everything is ready, isn't it?
  2. There are many people in the fair, aren't there?
  3. That is your car, isn't it?
  4. Nobody was here, were they?
  5. This movie is not interesting, is it?

Aturan 6
Penggunaan subjek dalam kalimat nominal positif, maka Question tags-nya adalah Aren't I bukan menggunakan Am not I. Sedangkan dalam kalimat yang negatif, maka Question Tags-nya bisa menggunakan Am I.
Contoh :
  1. I am a teacher, aren't I?
  2. I am ill, aren't I?
  3. I am not a student, Am I?

Aturan 7
Kata- kata yang mengandung arti negatif atau setengah negatif, maka Question Tags-nya selalu positif. Berikut merupakan kata- kata yang mengandung makna negatif atau setengah negatif;
  • never
  • seldom
  • hardly ever
  • barely
  • scarcely
  • by no mean
  • none
Contoh :
  1. She never goes to Bali, does she?
  2. Indra seldom does his homework, does he?
  3. He's never been in Jakarta, has he?

Aturan 8
Pada kalimat majemuk, Question Tags-nya dibuat berdasarkan kalimat utamanya.
Contoh :
  1. I wish she understood about the problem, didn't she?
  2. You'd rather I didn't say anything, would you?
  3. I suppose he should have known that, shouldn't he?

Aturan 9 
Pada bentuk kalimat perintah dan ajakan, maka ada aturan khusus yang harus digunakan yaitu sebagai berikut ;

- Kalimat Perintah (Imperative sentence)
Pada kalimat perintah, baik bentuk positif maupun negatif, maka Question Tags-nya adalah will you.
Contoh ;
  1. Don't close the door, will you?
  2. Wear your helmet, will you?
  3. Take my bag, will you?
- Kalimat ajakan
Pada bentuk kalimat ajakan yang didahului dengan Let's, maka Question Tags-nya adalah shall we?
Contoh :
  1. Let's go for a walk, shall we?
  2. Let's visit Ryan tomorrow, shall we?
Berikut latihan soal tentang Question tag yang bisa dikerjakan. Silahkan pilih bentuk question tag yang sesuai dengan pernyataan kalimat.

Choose the correct tag questions
1. It is cold,...?
isn't it
it is

2. Donna has never gone to Bali, ...?
has she
does she

3. You don't like cat, ...?
don't you
do you

4. I'm staying too, ...?
am I
aren't I

5. They are policemen, ...?
are they
aren't they

6. She didn't arrive yesterday, ...?
did she
didn't she

7. This T-shirt is very expensive ...?
isn't it
is it

8. Put on your mask, ...?
will you
do you

9. The water is hot, ...?
isn't it
is it

10. They're not coming this afternoon, ...?
are they
weren't they

11. They're going to write to us after they move, ...?
aren't they
weren't they

12. He's got no money at the moment, ...?
is he
has he

13. Let's go fishing, ...?
shall we
do we

14. You've nearly finished your book, ....?
haven't you
have you

15. Don't open the window, ...?
will you
could you
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Latihan Soal Reported Speech ; Reported Questions (Kalimat Tanya)

Latihan Soal Reported Speech ; Reported Questions (Kalimat Tanya)

Dalam membuat kalimat tidak langsung untuk kalimat tanya, ada satu hal yang mesti kita perhatikan, yaitu bentuk kalimat tanya apakah kalimat tanya dengan jawaban yes/no (yes/no questions) atau kalimat tanya dengan pemakaian bentuk wh (wh questions). Keduanya memiliki aturan yang berbeda antara lain sebagai berikut,
  • Bentuk if/whether digunakan untuk bentuk kalimat tanya dengan jawaban yes/no (yes/no questions). Contoh : "Are you tired?" she asked >>> She asked if I was tired
  • Seperti aturan sebelumnya, akan ada perubahan tenses dan kata ganti (tergantung pada introductoty verb yang digunakan)
  • Bentuk kalimat tanya dengan pemakaian wh (wh questions)  terjadi perubahan susunan kata pada kalimat. Contoh : She asked, "What is the time?" >>> She asked what the time was.** 

**Perhatikan pada susunan kalimat diatas, bahwa terjadi perubahan susunan kalimat.
    She asked, "What is the time?" >>> She asked what  was the time.
    She asked, "What is the time?" >>> She asked what the time was.

Nah, untuk lebih memahami penjelasan singkat mengenai topik ini, berikut beberapa soal yang bisa dikerjakan sebagai bahan latihan. Semoga bermanfaat.

Jangan lupa tuliskan skor di kolom komentar yaa...

Latihan Soal Reported Speech ; Reported Questions
1. She asked, " Are you hungry?"
She said I was hungry
She said if I was hungry

2. 'Have you met Manda before?' he asked. "
He asked whether I had met Manda
He asked that I had met Manda

3. We asked,'What time does the plane arrive?'
We asked what time the plane arrived
We asked what time did the plane arrive

4. The teacher asked,'Why are you so late?"
The teacher demanded to know why was I so late
The teacher demanded to know why I was so late

5. "My father asked,'Why didn't you telephone?'
My father wanted to know why I didn't telephone him
My father wanted to know why I hadn't telephoned

6. She asked,"Are you a foreigner?"
She asked that I was a foreigner
She asked if I was a foreigner

7. He asked,'Do you live here?'
He asked if I lived there
He asked that I lived there

8. He asked 'did you borrow my dictionary?'
He asked if I borrowed his dictionary
He asked if I had borrowed his dictionary

9. "Do you know who broke the window?" she asked
She asked me whether I knew who had broken the window
She asked me whether I knew who broke the window

10. My father asked,"have you finished your exams?"
My father asked me if I have finished my exams
My father asked me if I had finished my exams

11. he asked," Are you enjoying yourself?"
He asked whether I was enjoying myself
He asked that I was enjoying myself

12. He asked,"Did the WHO announce the Covid-19 as a pandemic?"
He asked if the WHO had announced the Covid-19 as a pandemic
He asked if the WHO announced the covid-19 as a pandemic

13. He asked, "Why wasn't Juna at the party?"
He asked why hadn't Juna been at the party
He asked why Juna hadn't been at the party

14. She asked,"How did you get to school?"
She asked how had I got to school
She asked how I had got to school

15. The officer asked me, "How old are you?"
The officer asked me how old I am
The officer asked me how old I was
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Correct answers:
Latihan Soal Reported Speech : Reported Statements (Kalimat Pernyataan)

Latihan Soal Reported Speech : Reported Statements (Kalimat Pernyataan)

Reported Speech disebut juga sebagai indirect speech. Bentuk ini digunakan ketika kita ingin memberi tahu seseorang apa yang dikatakan oleh seseorang lainnya. Kata kerja introductory verb yang sering digunakan dalam reported speech misalnya kata "say, tell, ask, dan sebagainya. Ada empat bentuk kalimat  reported yaitu Reported statements, W-H questions, Yes/ No Questions, dan Reported commands.

Dalam soal, bentuk reported speech biasanya diinstruksikan dengan merubah bentuk direct speech menjadi reported speech. Untuk pembahasan lengkap mengenai reported speech bisa dilihat pada posting sebelumnya.
Baca Juga : Pembahasan Materi Direct Speech dan Indiect Speech Bahasa Inggris
Pada post kali ini khusus akan saya sajikan latihan soal untuk reported speech dalam kalimat pernyataan (statements). Ada beberapa aturan yang mesti diperhatikan dalam reported speech untuk kalimat pernyataan yaitu,

1. Terjadi perubahan tenses dalam kalimat reported statement bila introductory verb nya dalam bentuk past tense. Adapun perubahannya sebagai berikut,
  • present simple >> past simple
  • present continuous >> past continuous
  • past continuous >> past perfect continuous
  • will >> would
  • shall >> should
  • must >> had to
  • can >> could

2. Kata "that" sifatnya opsional untuk ditambahkan setelah introductory verb dalam kalimat tidak langsung.
Contoh :
She said, "I will study hard to pass the examination."
>> She said that she would study hard to pass the examination.


>> She said she would study hard to pass the examination.

Latihan Reported Speech : reported statement

Choose the correct sentences in indirect speech
1. She said, "I'm going to the market."
She said she that is going to the market.
She said she that was going to the market.

2. Jovan said, I'm very tired." "
Jovan said that I was very tired
Jovan said he was very tired

3. He said, I'm going to the cinema.
he said that I was going to the cinema
he said that he was going to the cinema

4. He said, "I've already met her sister."
He said that he had already met her sister
He said that he's already met her sister

5. "I must go home to have dinner with my wife", he said
He said he had to go home to have dinner with his wife
He said I had to go home to have dinner with my wife

6. She said, "I'm listening to the radio."
She said that she was listening to the radio
She said that I was listening to the radio

7. He said, "I haven't been waiting long."
He said that he hasn't been waiting long
He said that he hadn't been waiting long

8. He said,"I'm having lunch."
He said that he was having lunch
He said that I was having lunch

9. "I'll tell them the report on Monday." she said
She said that she would tell them the report on Monday
She said that she will tell them the report on Monday

10. She said, "I can drive"
she said that she could drive
she said that she can drive

11. He said, "I stayed in a hotel for a week."
He said that he stayed in a hotel for a week
He said that he had stayed in a hotel for a week

12. "I haven't seen anybody", she said.
She said she hasn't seen anybody
She said she hadn't seen anybody

13. He said, " I must go."
He said I had to go
He said he had to go

14. "I'm trying to understand this subject." he said
he said he was trying to understand that subject.
he said he was trying to understand this subject.

15. "I can't speak any foreign languages", he said
He said that he can't speak any foreign languages
He said that he couldn't speak any foreign languages

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Latihan Soal Online Conditional Sentence Type III

Latihan Soal Online Conditional Sentence Type III

Penggunaan conditional sentence type III adalah merujuk pada bentuk kondisional past, dalam kenyataannya, kejadian tersebut kontradiksi dengan kejadian pada masa lalu (past). Bentuk yang dipakai adalah 
If + past perfect,    would/ could/ might  have + past participle

Contoh :
  • I would have passed the exam if I had worked harder. (I didn't pass the exam)
  • If I had had enough time, I would have written to my parents. (I did not have enough time, so I did not write to my parents)

Dalam soal, hal pertama untuk menjawab pertanyaan adalah dengan mengetahui bentuk kalimat pembentuknya. Misalnya saja, klausa if yang diikuti oleh past perfect yang menggunakan rumus had + VIII, kemudian klausa lainnya menggunakan bentuk would/ could. have diikuti oleh bentuk past participle.

Inilah Latihan Soal Conditional Sentence Type III, untuk mempermudah pemahaman Anda mengenai materi ini. Semoga bermanfaat.

1. If the weather had been nice yesterday, we ... to the zoo.
would go
would have gone

2. If Bambang ... for the test, he would have passed it.
had studied

3. If Sari had come yesterday, she ... my brother.
would meet
would have met

4. If I ... my camera with me yesterday, I would have taken a picture of the president.

5. If I ... that there was a test yesterday, I would have studied.
had known

6. If you had told me about the problem, I ... you.
would help
would have helped

7. What would you have done if I ... the money?
had lent
hadn't lent

8. If I had gone to university, I ... a better job.
would get
would have got

9. I ... you a lift if my car hadn't been broken.
could give
could have given

10. I wouldn't have come to this school if I ... what it was like.
had known

11. I ... you in hospital if I had known you were there.
would visit
would have visited

12. I ... to Wuhan if I had known what was going to happen.
would have gone
wouldn't have gone

13. If we had got to the cinema earlier,, we ... the start of the film.
would have missed
would have missed

14. I wouldn't have hired a car if I ... how expensive it was.
had known
hadn't known

15. If I would have passed the SBMPTN, I ... to Gadjah Mada University.
would go
would have gone
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Latihan Soal Online Conditional Sentence Type II

Latihan Soal Online Conditional Sentence Type II

Melanjutkan latihan soal kalimat pengandaian tpe pertama yang di posting beberapa saat lalu, kali ini yang ingin saya bagikan adalah latihan soal online conditional sentence type kedua. Conditional sentence type II memiliki bentuk yang berbeda dari bentuk conditional sentence type I baik dari waktu maupun secara rumus. 

Secara arti bahwa bentuk conditional sentence tipe II, if clause nya menyatakan fakta yang tidak benar di masa sekarang atau masa akan datang (untrue in the present/ future)
Contoh :

  • If I had some money now, I would treat all of my classmates. ( kebenarannya adalah I have no money now, so I will not treat all of my classmates; pada saat ini (sekarang) saya tidak memiliki uang, jadi saya tidak akan mentraktir semua teman sekelas.)
  • If he were here right now, he would help us. (kebenarannya adalah he is not here right now ; ia tidak berada disini)

Conditional Sentence Type II
  • If he didn't agree, I wouldn't go  
  • You wouldn't leave if he were here*
  • If we had a car, we could travel more.
  • We would get wet if we went out.
  • I would buy this T-shirt if it weren't so expensive.

*Dalam penggunaan If clause type 2, penggunaan subjek I, He, She , It, menggunakan bentuk "Were"

Latihan Soal Conditional Sentence Type II

1. You can't drive. If you could drive, I ... you my car.
will lend
would lend
2. If he ... the money, he would go around the world.
3. What would you do if ... a lot of money?
you won
you win
4. The hotel is haunted. I wouldn't stay there if I ... you.
5. I would take the job if the salary ... better.
6. If we had a map, I ... you where I live.
could show
can show
7. I don't know the answer. If I ... the answer, I'd tell you.
8. This room would be nicer if you ... it.
would decorated
9. Life would be boring if every day ... the same.
10. If i had nothing to do, I ... bored.
would be
11. We would buy a bigger house if we ... more money.
12. If I had a toothache, I ... to the dentist.
will go
would go
13. It's a pity you have to go now. It ... nice if you had more time.
would be
14. If you could change one thing in the world, what ... ?
did you change
would you change
15. We could get into the house if we ... a key.
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Demikian Latihan Soal Online Conditional Sentence Type II. Semoga bermanfaat.
Materi Gerund Bahasa Inggris;  Pembahasan Possessive dengan Gerund Plus Latihan Soal

Materi Gerund Bahasa Inggris; Pembahasan Possessive dengan Gerund Plus Latihan Soal

Gerund merupakan bentuk verb-ing dari kata kerja yang difungsikan sebagai kata benda ( noun). Ada bermacam- macam penggunaan dari bentuk gerund seperti bertindak sebagai subjek, gerund sebagai objek, gerund yang diletakkan dalam kata kerja tertentu dan sebagainya. Salah satu penggunaan dari gerund yang sering kita temukan dalam soal bahasa Inggris adalah gerund yang digunakan dibelakang possesive adjective atau possessive Noun. Gerund yang digunakan dalam fungsi tersebut bisa dilihat pada contoh berikut, 

  1. I don’t mind your living here.
  2. You know her  feeling sad.
  3. The idea of his selling house doesn’t appeal to his wife.

Ada dua aturan dalam menerapkan bentuk possessive dengan gerund yaitu secara formal English dan secara informal English.

Formal English

...Possessive adjective (my, his, her, its, their, your, our) + gerund...

Informal English
...Object + Gerund ...

Soal- soal bentuk gerund  ini sering kita temukan dalam soal- soal kedinasan seperti ujian masuk STAN, atau kedinasan yang lain. Mungkin bab ini terlihat sepele akan tetapi satu soal dengan poin soal yang kecilpun sangat berharga.
ilustrasi gambar

Untuk lebih mendalami tentang bentuk gerund ini berikut sudah saya compile latihan soal possessive dengan gerund. 

Semoga Bermanfaat.


Latihan Soal Possessive with gerund

1. Do you mind ... smoking?

2. They don't understand ... leaving home when he did.

3. I'm worried about ... taking so much money.

4. I don't like ... asking her to stay.

5. I didn't like ... lending the car to him.

6. I'm exhausted with ... complaining.

7. The board objected to ... resigning.

8. Do you know the reason for ... stopping work?

9. What do you think of ... leaving the country due to corona virus?

10. The new proposals involve ... working longer hours.
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Latihan Soal dan Pembahasan Penggunaan Artikel A, An, dan The

Latihan Soal dan Pembahasan Penggunaan Artikel A, An, dan The

Artikel digolongkan menjadi dua yaitu definite artikel ;THE dan Indefinite artikel ;A atau AN. Definite artikel digunakan untuk menunjukkan sesuatu benda, orang dan sebagainya yang sudah jelas atau tertentu sedangkan Indefinite artikel adalah kata sandang A atau AN yang digunakan untuk menunjuk suatu benda, orang dan sebagainya yang belum jelas atau tidak tertentu.
smart English by Ahzaa
Aturan dalam penggunaan artikel

A, An
A dan An digunakan pada bentuk tunggal pada benda yang bisa dihitung ( singular count noun) yang tidak tertentu atau belum jelas. An digunakan apabila mempunyai bunyi huruf vokal di awal kata.
Contoh :
  1. I saw a snake in the park yesterday.
  2. The man asked for an extra account.

THE digunakan dengan bentuk yang spesifik jumlah benda baik tunggal maupun jamak untuk benda yang bisa dihitung ( Countable noun).
Contoh :
  1. The snake I saw in the park yesterday was tame.
  2. The engineers from Malaya Company designed a new system of water.

No Article (tanpa artikel) diterapkan dalam pembentukan benda yang bersifat umum termasuk juga nama kota atau negara.
Contoh :
  1. Cats make good pets.
  2. Snakes are cold-blooded creature.
  3. They live in Yogyakarta.
Juga dalam bentuk non- count nouns ( benda yang tidak dapat dihitung) termasuk bentuk abstract nouns seperti beauty, life, love, happiness, dan sebagainya. Berbagai bentuk materials seperti gold, sand, sugar, coal, dan sebagainya, maka artikel tidak digunakan.
Contoh :
  1. I do not like seafood.
  2. Honesty is the best policy.
  3. They came here for gold.
  4. Life is simple.

Berikut ini latihan soal materi artikel a/ an dan the. Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat dengan artikel a/an dan the.


Choose a/ an and the to complete these sentences.

1. Marina is a good mucisian. She plays ... guitar beautifully.
no article

2. I don't see him often, only once or twice ... month.
no article

3. Diana is not at ... office. She has gone home.
no article

4. My father is watering plants in ... garden.
no article

5. Let's sit under the tree. ... sun is really warm.
no article

6. On Sundays I go out for ... walk.
no article

7. I'm studying ... English and French.
no article

8. Does your sister still live in ... Denpasar?
no article

9. Would you mind waiting for ... couple of minutes?
no article

10. There is someone at ... front door.
no article

11. My husband gave me ... diamond necklace in my birthday.
no article

12. Rudi wants to join ... army after graduating from school.
no article

13. Would you like ... cup of coffee?
no article

14. I think it's made of ... glass.
no article

15. I think ... piano is one of the most difficult instruments to play.
no article

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Penggunaan Bentuk Shall dan Will dalam Bahasa Inggris

Penggunaan Bentuk Shall dan Will dalam Bahasa Inggris

Shall and will merupakan bentuk modal verbs yang digunakan untuk menyatakan bentuk future tense. Kadang kita sering bingung untuk menggunakan kedua bentuk tersebut. Secara umum, bentuk tersebut menyatakan hal yang sama yaitu "akan".

Dalam penerapan sehari- hari, shall jarang sekali digunakan dalam American English. Mereka lebih banyak menggunakan kata"will" daripada bentuk "shall" untuk menyatakan future tense. Bentuk "shall" lebih banyak digunakan oleh mereka yang notabene menggunakan British English. Bentuk shall digunakan pada bentuk subjek "I" dan "we". Sedangkan bentuk "will" digunakan untuk subjek orang kedua dan ketiga yaitu you, he/ she/ it, dan they. 

Untuk lebih jelasnya, anda bisa memperhatikan pada contoh berikut ini,
  • I shall be in Jakarta tomorrow.
  • You will be in Jakarta tomorrow.
  • We shall be in Jakarta tomorrow.
  • They will be in Jakarta tomorrow.
  • He/She/It will be in Jakarta tomorrow

Will dan shall untuk menyampaikan hal yang penting
Untuk sesuatu akan terjadi di masa depan dan bahwa itu merupakan hal yang harus terjadi dan penting, maka penerapannya adalah seperti pada contoh berikut ini,
  • I will attend the meeting.
  • You shall attend the meeting.
  • He shall attend the meeting.
  • We will attend the meeting.
  • They shall attend the meeting.

Shall dalam kalimat tanya
Dalam kalimat tanya, bentuk shall bisa diterapkan untuk subjek orang pertama yaitu I dan We, seperti pada contoh berikut ini,
  • Shall I close the window?
  • Shall we go out for lunch after this meeting?
  • Shall I wait him tomorrow?

Kontraksi shall dan will
Saat menggunakan bahasa Inggris secara informal, kontraksi baik shall dan will cenderung sama.  Seperti pada contoh berikut ini,
  • I will see the doctor --- I'll see the doctor.
  • I shall be there soon ---- I'll be there soon.
  • You will get the highest score. --- You'll get the highest score
  • She will have a meeting with her manager. --- She'll have a meeting with her manager.
****Untuk bentuk negatif, kontraksi untuk will not adalah won't sedangkan untuk shall adalah shan't.

Nah, itulah penggunaan shall dan will dalam bahasa Inggris. Semoga tulisan ini bermanfaat untuk menamah referensi anda. 


Referensi tulisan :

Latihan Soal Present Perfect Tense vs Simple Past Tense dalam Teks Cerita

Latihan Soal Present Perfect Tense vs Simple Past Tense dalam Teks Cerita

Penggunaan antara Present Perfect Tense dengan Simple Past Tense memang berbeda meskipun keduanya sama- sama dilakukan di masa lampau. Dalam soal berbentuk teks, kadang kedua tenses tersebut disatukan. Maka salah satu cara untuk menjawab soal dengan benar adalah dengan mengetahui ciri- ciri kalimat baik bentuk simple past tense maupun present perfect tense dari segi penanda waktu atau time signal maupun ciri- ciri yang lain. Selain itu, pemahaman makna juga sangat penting dalam membedakan kedua tenses tersebut dalam satu bacaan teks. Untuk lebih mengenal ciri- ciri dari kedua tenses tersebut, rangkuman materi bisa dibaca pada postingan lalu di blog ini,

Berikut latihan soal closed teks cerita yang kata kerjanya menyatakan bentuk simple past tense dan present perfect tense. Bentuk teks saya bagi menjadi tiga bagian untuk memudahkan menjawab soal. Silahkan pilih kata kerja yang tepat untuk diterapkan dalam rumpang teks.

Choose the correct verbs of the present perfect or simple past.

Part I
Ann Jones is one of the most interesting people ... (1); she is only twenty-five, but she ... (2) to over fifty different countries. Five years ago, she ... (3) a typist in Birmingham, ut she ... (4) to give up her job and see the world. since then, her life ... (5) completely.
have met

has traveled

has been

has decided

has changed

Part II
The first time she ... (6) abroad was seven years ago, when she ... (7) just eighteen. She ... (8) a boat to France and then ... (9) around Europe for five weeks. She ... (10) Europe many times since that first trip, of course, but this holiday ... (11) the one which ... (12) her start traveling. She ... (13) the excitement of those five -weeks- although it ... (14) not all enjoyable.
has gone

has been

has taken

has hitch-hiked

has visited

has been

has made

never forgot
has never forgotten

has been

Part III
When she ... (15) on train, somebody ... (16) her purse; she ... (17) all her money, and ... (18) to work in a restaurant for fortnight. She ... (19) some good friends there, however, and ... (20)several times since then.
has been

has stolen

has lost

has had

has made

has returned

Text is taken from : Grammar Practice for Intermediate Students, Elain Walker & Steve Elsworth.

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Kunci Jawaban

Ann Jones is one of the most interesting people ... (1); she is only twenty-five, but she ... (2) to over fifty different countries. Five years ago, she ... (3) a typist in Birmingham, ut she ... (4) to give up her job and see the world. since then, her life ... (5) completely.
The first time she ... (6) abroad was seven years ago, when she ... (7) just eighteen. She ... (8) a oat to France and then ... (9) around Europe for five weeks. She ... (10) Europe many times since that first trip, off course, but this holiday ... (11) the one which ... (12) her start traveling. She ... (13) the excitement of those five -weeks- although it ... (14) not all enjoyable. When she ... (15) on train, somebody ... (16) her purse; she ... (17) all her money, and ... (18) to work in a restaurant for fortnight. She ... (19) some good friends there, however, and ... (20)several times since then.

1. have met
2. has traveled
3. was
4. decided
5. has changed
6. went
7. was
8. took
9. hitch-hiked
10. has visited
11. was
12. made
13. never forgot/ has never forgotten
14. was
15. was
16. stole
17. lost
18. had
19. made
20. has returned

Semoga Bermanfaat.
Latihan Soal So dan Such Bahasa Inggris Plus Jawaban

Latihan Soal So dan Such Bahasa Inggris Plus Jawaban

Bentuk so dan such digunakan untuk menegaskan arti dari bentuk adjective (kata sifat) dan adverb (kata keterangan). Secara umum, such digunakan sebelum adjective pada noun phrase, seperti pada contoh berikut ini,
  • Parasite is such a good movie from Korea
  • It's such a cold day. Isn't it?
  • She bought such expensive clothes last night.
Sedangkan so, digunakan sebelum adjective atau adverb. Seperti pada contoh kalimat berikut ini,
  • You look so lovely.
  • He drove so fast.
  • He came so angrily.
Dalam berbagai konteks kalimat, kita sering juga menemukan bentuk such dan so yang digunakan dengan bentuk that clause untuk mengindikasikan hasil atau konsekuensi dari sesuatu.

  • She speaks so fast that I can't understand her.
  • It was such nice weather that we went to the zoo.
  • The weather was so nice that we went to the zoo.
Untuk materi so dan such yang lebih lengkap, bisa membaca pada postingan so dan such berikut ini,

Latihan Soal So dan Such

Choose so or such to complete these sentences.
1. There was ... a long queue that I decided not to wait.

2. You should watch Parasite. It's ... an interesting movie.

3. My teacher explained ... clearly that I understood everything.

4. Martin is ... a good person that I'm sure you'll be happy with him.

5. It was ... terrible weather that we had to stay at home.

6. That man was driving ... slowly that I'm going to overtake.

7. The problem is ... difficult to decide what to do.

8. He worked ... hard that he had a nervous breakdown.

9. He committed ... a serious crime that he ought to stay in prison for life.

10. That decision was ... a terrible mistake.

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Semoga Bermanfaat.
Membedakan Fungsi For dan During dalam Kalimat Bahasa Inggris

Membedakan Fungsi For dan During dalam Kalimat Bahasa Inggris

Dalam sebuah kalimat, bentuk for dan during memberikan keterangan waktu. Ketiga bentuk tersebut kadangkala membingungkan kita dalam pemakaian bahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan. Dalam aturan grammar bahasa Inggris, baik for maupun during memiliki penerapan dan aturan berbeda. 

For digunakan untuk menatakan seberapa lama sesuatu itu terjadi. For diikuti oleh periode waktu. Berikut contoh penggunaan for dalam kalimat.
  • I've lived in this city for five years.
  • She studied English for two hours last night.
  • Are you going away for the week-end?
  • She's been working here for six months.

For + Period of time

During digunakan untuk menyatakan ketika sesuatu terjadi. During diikuti oleh kata benda (noun). Adapun contoh kalimatnya adalah sebagai berikut,
  • I fell asleep during the speech.
  • We felt happy during holiday.
  • I'll call you some time during the night.
  • We met a lot of people during our trip.
During + noun

Untuk lebih memahami perbedaan keduanya, berikut latihan soal yang bisa dikerjakan. Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan klik pilihan yang paling tepat.
Latihan soal

1. She waited for you ... two hours and then decided that you weren't coming.

2. When we were at the seminar yesterday, we met Jim ... the break.

3. I had been away for many years. ... the time, many things had changed.

4. Shinta was very angry to me because of the accident. She didn't speak to me ... a week.

5. Many interesting suggestions were made ... the meeting.

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Formulir Kontak