Mudahnya Membuat Video Pembelajaran dengan FlexClip

Mudahnya Membuat Video Pembelajaran dengan FlexClip

FlexClip adalah alat web yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk membuat video pembelajaran untuk dibagikan dengan siswa anda. FlexClip menggabungkan tiga layanan dalam satu platform yaitu pembuat film, editor video dan pembuat slideshow. Kelebihan lain dari platform ini adalah penggunaan yang bersifat gratis bila dibandingkan dengan editor video lainnya.

Fitur FlexClip memungkinkan anda mendesain berbagai jenis video seperti video tutorial, video pembelajaran, tayangan slide video dan banyak lagi. Video dapat berisi berbagai konten materi multimedia. Misalnya, anda dapat membuat anotasi video anda dengan teks, menambahkan audio atau musik favorit sebagai musik latar belakang, serta menambahkan narasi dengan suara anda sendiri. Selain itu anda dapat mempersonalisasikan video anda dengan watermark.

Untuk mulai menggunakan FlexClip, anda bisa melakukan pendaftaran lebih dahulu, dan pendaftarannya bersifat gratis. Gunakan akun Gmail atau akun Facebook untuk melakukan registrasi.

Setelah selesai melakukan registrasi,  anda akan melihat tampilan Dashboard menu FlexClip. Untuk memulai project pertama anda, silahkan pilih Create New. 

Anda bisa melihat tampilan editing project anda. Pada bagian atas, terdapat menu Saved, Preview dan Export Video. Saved untuk menyimpan file project, Preview untuk melihat tampilan anda sebelum anda Export ke beberapa format dan Export Video untuk mengekspor project anda. Pada bagian tengah kiri terdapat lambang huruf "T", lambang notasi musik dan lambang Gear untuk setting. Huruf "T" untuk menambahkan teks, notasi musik untuk menambahkan musik, serta lambang gear untuk mengelola setting. Pada bagian bawah, kita bisa melihat tampilan project yang akan kita buat.

Lakukan penambahan Foto, Video dan Background melalui menu bagian bawah kiri, seperti pada tanda kotak di bawah.

Sebagai contoh, akan saya tambahkan foto pada project saya, maka saya pilih Add Photo. Terdapat beberapa kategori foto yang bisa anda tambahkan, misalnya kategori technology, business, dan sebagainya. Saya pilih kategori Technology dan pilih salah satu foto pada kategori tersebut.

Pada bagian ini, atur durasi waktu setiap slide yang anda buat, pilih pada bagian yang saya tunjukkan melalui warna merah.

Anda juga bisa menambahkan teks pada slide anda, dengan pilih menu teks dan pilih jenis teks yang akan anda buat langsung pada foto.

Terakhir, pilih menu Export Video untuk meng-ekspor video anda. Anda bisa memilih kualitas format file video.

Selamat, project video anda sudah tersimpan di laptop atau PC anda.

Kreasikan pembuatan project untuk menunjang proses pembelajaran anda agar lebih menarik dengan tambahan video atau foto- foto yang relevan dengan mata pembelajaran anda.

Selamat mencoba dan semoga bermanfaat.

Cara Mudah Membuat Puzzle Teka Teki Silang dengan CrosswordLabs

Cara Mudah Membuat Puzzle Teka Teki Silang dengan CrosswordLabs

Bermain teka- teki silang dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris merupakan cara yang bagus untuk mengembangkan keterampilan kosa kata siswa serta meningkatkan ketertarikan mereka. Melalui internet, ada banyak alat web dan aplikasi yang dapat anda gunakan untuk membuat permainan teka-teki silang untuk kelas anda. Salah satunya adalah CrosswordLabs. CrosswordLabs  adalah sebuah platform sederhana, dan gratis yang memungkinkan anda merancang, mencetak, dan memecahkan teka-teki silang secara online. 
source : pixabay

Cara membuat teka-teki silang melalui CrosswordLabs itu sangat mudah. Kunjungi websitenya di https://crosswordlabs.com lalu pada berandanya anda akan melihat tampilan yang sangat sederhana untuk membangun puzzle teka- teki silang. 

Gunakan template yang disediakan di sana dan ketikkan kata-kata satu spasi dengan petunjuk teka- teki silang anda. Lindungi kunci jawaban anda dengan membuat kode sandi.  

Kemudian setelah selesai klik tombol 'Generate'. Anda bisa meninjau teka-teki silang anda dan klik 'Edit' bila anda ingin memodifikasinya atau 'Save' untuk menyimpannya.

Anda dapat menyimpan teka-teki silang sebagai dokumen PDF atau Microsoft Word dengan mengklik salah satu tombol berlabel" PDF "atau "Word"pada halaman teka-teki silang." Selain itu klik tombol 'Share' untuk berbagi teka-teki silang anda di platform media sosial. 

Anda juga bisa mengakses teka-teki silang yang dibuat oleh orang lain dengan mengeklik tombol "Find a Crossword" pada atas halaman. Mudah bukan? 

Demikian Cara Mudah Membuat Puzzle Teka Teki Silang dengan CrosswordLabs. Semoga tulisan ini bisa menambah pengalaman anda dalam membuat pembelajaran kelas yang menarik dan menyenangkan. 

7 Permainan Bahasa Inggris untuk Membuat Pembelajaran Lebih Menyenangkan

7 Permainan Bahasa Inggris untuk Membuat Pembelajaran Lebih Menyenangkan

Belajar bahasa yang baru bisa dianggap sebagai hal yang sulit apalagi bahasa tersebut bukanlah bahasa ibu. Dengan bergulirnya waktu menghadapi era insdustri 4.0 saat ini, belajar bahasa asing khususnya bahasa Inggris merupakan suatu keharusan. Akan tetapi belajar bahasa Inggris memerlukan proses yang tidak singkat, meski melalui bebagai proses yang sebut saja melelahkan. Karenanya salah satu tantangan dalam belajar bahasa Inggris adalah menemukan variasi tertentu yang menarik untuk belajar bahasa Inggris secara menyenangkan. Penggunaan cara- cara tradisional saja seperti metode searah guru tidak cukup malahan akan membuat siswa menjadi bosan dan akhirnya malas untuk belajar. Kesimpulannya, belajar bahasa Inggris haruslah menyenangkan , interaktif, dan menarik. Untuk itu pembelajaran bahasa Inggris mesti dikemas dan ditambahkan dengan permainan atau game.

Dalam beberapa kesempatan, menyelipkan game dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris sangat efektif memotivasi siswa dalam mengembangkan pengetahuan, menambah kosakata, dan menumbuhkan ketertarikan siswa akan pelajaran bahasa Inggris. Sebagian dari kita mungkin sudah menerapkan atau mengintegrasikan game pembelajaran dengan teknologi yang berkembang melalui gawai atau gadget. Akan tetapi, game konvensional tidak kalah menarik untuk diterapkan dalam pembelajaran. Game konvensional bahasa Inggris lebih mudah digunakan dalam segala kondisi dan situasi, dalam berbagai kesempatan dan keterbatasan sumber daya.

Nah, berikut ini saya rangkum tujuh game bahasa Inggris untuk diterapkan di dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas anda dengan tujuan membuat siswa lebih tertarik dan intens dalam belajar bahasa Inggris.

#1. Permainan Alfabet
Permainan alfabet ini bisa dimainkan oleh siswa tingkat sekolah dasar maupun SMP. Bertujuan menguji seberapa besar kemampuan siswa dalam penguasaan kosakata mereka. Permainan ini bisa dilakukan secara lisan atau tulisan. Adapun langkah- langkahnya adalah 

Secara lisan.
Pada pertemuan pertama, anda bisa menguji salah satu siswa secara lisan dengan menyebutkan kata kata tertentu, misalnya saja kata "BOOK".  Kemudian minta siswa lainnya untuk  membuat kata berdasarkan akhiran kata "BOOK" tersebut yaitu huruf "K" sebagai awalan dari kata tersebut, misalnya saja kata " KITE" lalu siswa lainnya melakukan hal yang sama, sebagai contoh kata "ERASER" dan seterusnya sampai siswa- siswa anda tidak bisa menebutkan kata berdasarkan akhiran huruf tersebut. 

Secara tulisan.
Instruksikan siswa untuk menyiapkan satu lembar kertas. Alokasikan waktu, misalnya lima menit untuk menulis berapa banyak kata dalam kertas tersebut. Saat waktu lima menit sudah selesai, anda bisa mengatakan "Stop, put your pens on your desks, dan siswa yang terbanyak menyebutkan kata adalah sebagai pemenang. Sebagai contoh :


dan seterusnya.

#2. Menyusun kata
Permianan ini mengasah kemampuan siswa dalam menyusun kata menjadi sebuah kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris seara benar dan tepat. Caranya cukup mudah,
  • Bentuklah beberapa kelompok siswa.
  • Siapkan beberapa kertas karton berwarna yang berbeda tergantung dari berapa banyak kelompok yang dibentuk.
  • Gunting karton warna tersebut dalam bentuk persegi panjang. Gunakan satu warna untuk membuat satu kalimat yang terdiri dari sembilan kata, misalnya saja kalimat "Silkworms live for only three days after laying eggs".
  • Tuliskan kata tersebut pada karton warna tersebut dan gunting setiap "kata"-nya. 
  • Semua kelompok harus menukar dengan kelompok lainnya dan setiap keompok diberikan waktu selama dua atau tiga menit untuk menyusun kata tersebut menjadi kalimat yang benar. Saat waktu selesai, anda bisa memberikan tanda untuk menukar kalimat tersebut ke kelompok yang lain.

#3. Permainan Kata 'BOOM'
Permainan ini snagat menarik dan cocok diterapkan saat jam pelajaran terakhir saat siswa sudah mulai bosan dan tidak semangat. Caranya adalah 
  • Instruksikan siswa untuk berdiri, 
  • Suruh mereka untuk berhitung seperti berikut,

One - Two - Three - Four - BOOM
Six - Seven - Eight - Nine - Ten - BOOM
Eleven - Twelve - Thirteen - Fourteen - BOOM
Sixteen - Seventeen - Eighteen - Nineteen - BOOM
  • Kita ubah  angka kelipatan lima dan seterusnya dengan kata BOOM. Beberapa dari siswa pasti melakukan kesalahan dengan menyebutkan kata Five, Ten, atau Fifteen. Nah, siswa tersebut bisa kita kenakan "hukuman" yang ringan misalnya menyanyi atau hukuman ringan lainnya. 

#4. Permainan kata "SINGAPORE"
Permainan ini bisa dilakukan menjelang akhir jam pelajaran untuk memberikan penyegaran terhadap siswa.   
  • Bentuk kelompok siswa yang terdiri atas empat, lima atau enam siswa.
  • Silahkan tuliskan kata SINGAPORE pada papan tulis anda, 
  • Berikan waktu misalnya selama lima menit untuk membentuk kata berdasarkan kata SINGAPORE yang anda tulis tadi diatas. Kata- kata yang terbentuk mungkin akan menjadi kata - kata berikut ini, "SING", "GO", "IN", "APE", "SONG", "POOR", dan sebagainya.
  • Siswa atau kelompok yang menampilkan bentukan kata yang terbanyak dinyatakan sebagai pemenang.

#5. Tebakan benda
Permainan ini memberikan rangsangan siswa untuk mengetahui keadaan sekitar mereka, misalnya menebak benda di dalam kelas atau benda- benda di lingkungan mereka saat guru mengajak mereka belajar diluar kelas.
  • Buatlah pertanyaan seperti " In this classroom, I can see  with my little eyes something  that begins with 'C'...
  • Siswa pasti akan menebak benda yang berawalan dengan huruf tersebut seperti, chair, ceiling, atau cable.
  • Jika beberapa kata yang mereka sebutkan tadi bukanlah jawaban yang anda maksud misalnya saja jawaban anda adalah 'clock', maka anda dinyatakan menang.
  • Mainkan lagi beberapa awalan huruf lainnya seperti "H", "A" dan lainnya.

#6. Jumbled Words
Permainan ini melatih ketelitian siswa dalam merangkai kata dari huruf acak berdasarkan kategori tertentu. 
  • Tentukan kategori dari kata yang ingin anda bentuk, misalnya kategori hewan (animal).
  • Carilah kata dalam bahasa Inggris yang  dirasa sulit untuk dieja dan tuliskan kata tersebut dalam papan tulis.

H - C - K - O - A - C - C - R - O

S - U - M - T - A - P - P - O - H - O - P - I

#7. Memorizing
Permainan ini mengasah siswa untuk mengingat akan kata atau kalimat yang diucapkan oleh guru pertama kalinya kemudian diteruskan oleh siswa lain sebelumnya. 
  • Buatlah kalimat, misalnya saja memakai bentuk Present Tense, Past Tense, Future Tense, Passive Voice, atau bentuk Conditional sentence.

While visiting national park, the students never forget to bring camera.
  • Minta siswa untuk meneruskan kalimat anda dengan menambahkan satu item kata dibelakangnya, kemudian kalimat tersebut akan diteruskan oleh siswa berikutnya.

Sebagai contoh, 
  1. Siswa I :While visiting national park, the students never forget to bring camera, and book.
  2. Siswa II :While visiting national park, the students never forget to bring camera, book, and pen.
  3. Siswa III :While visiting national park, the students never forget to bring camera, book, pen, and handphone.
  4. Siswa IV :While visiting national park, the students never forget to bring camera, book, pen, handphone, and sun glasses.
  5. Siswa V :While visiting national park, the students never forget to bring camera, book, pen, handphone, sun glasses, and bag.

Dan seterusnya.

Nah, itulah tujuh permainan bahasa Inggris/ English Game untuk membuat pembelajaran lebih menyenangkan. Masih banyak sekali jenis permainan bahasa Inggris selain ketujuh diatas. Semoga dengan tulisan ini bisa menjadikan tambahan referensi agar supaya pembelajaran bahasa Inggris lebih mengasyikkan lagi.

Punya game- game lainnya? jangan sungkan untuk membagikannya melalui kolom komentar dibawah ini.
Terima kasih .
Semoga bermanfaat. 
Latihan Soal UKK/ PAT Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas XI Kurikulum 2013

Latihan Soal UKK/ PAT Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas XI Kurikulum 2013

Masih tentang topik latihan soal, untuk melengkapi latihan soal sebelumnya  dalam menghadapi UKK atau PAT tahun ajaran 2018/ 2019, yaitu posting latihan soal UKK Bahasa Inggris SMA kelas X kurikulum 2013, pada posting ini kami akan menyediakan latihan soal tingkat atau jenjang selanjutnya yaitu latihan UKK Bahasa Inggris SMA kelas XI kurikulum 2013.

Seperti kita ketahui bahwasanya sukses menyelesaikan soal bahasa Inggris membutuhkan latihan yang intens, artinya, semakin banyak latihan akan semakin mengasah keterampilan dalam menjawab soal. 

Untuk adik- adik yang saat ini menghadapi UKK atau PAT tahun pelajaran 2018/ 2019 khususnya pada pelajaran bahasa Inggris, latihan soal ini semoga bisa membantu. Latihan soal disusun sesuai dengan materi pelajaran kelas XI SMA. Pada akhir mengerjakan soal, skor nilai akan langsung tertera plus kunci jawaban yang benar.

Nah, langsung saja, berikut latihan soalnya, Semoga bermanfaat dan jangan lupa tuliskan skor pencapaian pada kolom komentar ya...

Latihan Soal UKK/ PAT Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas XI Kurikulum 2013
Text for questions 1 to 6

The Blonde and The Lawyer

A blonde and a lawyer are seated next to each other on a flight from Los Angeles to New York.
The lawyer asks if she would like to play a fun game.
The blonde, tired, just wants to take a nap, politely declines and rolls over to the window to catch a few winks. The lawyer persists and explains that the game is easy and a lot of fun.
He explains, “I ask you a question, and if you don’t know the answer, you pay me $5.00, and vise versa.”
Again, she declines and tries to get some sleep. The lawyer, now agitated, says, “Okay, if you don’t know the answer you pay me $5.00, and if I don’t know the answer, I will pay you 500.00.”
This catches the blonde’s attention and, figuring there will be no end to this torment unless she plays, agrees to the game. The lawyer asks the first question. “What’s the distance from the earth to the moon?” The blonde doesn’t say a word, reaches into her purse, pulls out a $5.00 bill and hands it to the lawyer. “Okay” says the lawyer, “your turn.”
She asks the lawyer, “What goes up a hill with three legs and comes down with four legs?” The lawyer, puzzled, takes out his laptop computer and searches all his references, no answer. He taps into the air phone with his modem and searches the net and the library of congress, no answer. Frustrated, he sends e-mails to all his friends and coworkers, to no avail. After an hour, he wakes the blonde, and hands her $500.00.
The blonde says, “Thank you”, and turns back to get some more sleep.
The lawyer, who is more than a little miffed, wakes the blonde and asks, “Well, what’s the answer?” Without a word, the blonde reaches into her purse, hands the lawyer $5.00, and goes back to sleep.
Adapted from http://www.dizzyboy.com

1. What does the text mainly tell us about?
A lawyer who played a game with a blonde.
A sleepy blonde
A flight from Los Angeles to New York
A lawyer beat a blonde in a game
A smart lawyer

2. What is the purpose of the writer to write the text?
To entertain the readers with a story
To describe a game
To inform readers about blonde’s flight
To describe how the blonde won the game
To explain to readers why it’s hard for he lawyer to find the right answer

3. The blonde finally agreed with the game because ...
The lawyer paid he $5.00 for each question
She paid the lawyer $5.00, and vise versa
She would get $500.00, for the right answer
The lawyer could not answer her questions
She didn’t need to pay the lawyer

4. How much money did the blonde benefit from the game?

5. Which one of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the text?
The blonde and the lawyer were in the same flight
The lawyer could persuade the lawyer to play the game
The blonde felt very tired and wanted to take a nap
The lawyer got more money from the blonde
None of them found the right answer from their questions

6. “This catches the blonde’s attention” The word "catches" has the same meaning as the word __ .

Text for questions 7 to 11

A young student was walking in the woods when he heard a small voice calling him. He looked all round, but could not see anyone. The voice called out again, and appeared to come from the roots of an enormous oak tree. There, the student found a bottle, in which there was a tiny man who begged, “Let me out”. So student removed the cork, and a cloud of smoke emerged and grew into a frightening giant. ‘I am a genie,“ said the Giant,” and I was imprisoned in the bottle by a magician. But now that I am freed, prepare to meet your end”
“Wait a minute, said the young man. “I don’t believe one word you have said. A giant of your size could not have really come out of this little bottle. You could never get into it”
“Of course I can,” said the genie, “I’ll prove it to you.” As soon as the genie returned to the bottle, the young man replaced the cork. The next time, in order to get free, the giant had to make a bargain with the student: not only would it refrain from killing him, but it had also to give him a dagger which turned into gold everything it touched, and healed all wounds. And afterwards, thanks to that magic dagger, the student became rich and famous doctor.
7. What is the text about?
An imprisoned giant
A student and a magic dagger
The adventure of a lucky student
A kind genie and oak tree
A genie trapped in a bottle

8. Who is actually the tiny man in a bottle?
a young student
a famous doctor
a genie
a dagger
a magician

9. The main idea of the last paragraph is …
the genie returned to the bottle to prove that he could do it
the student replaced the cork after the genie returned to the bottle
to avoid being killed, the student asked the genie to return to the bottle
asking the genie to return to the bottle is the student’s trick to save himself
in order to get free, the genie had to bargain with the student

10. “… and healed all wounds. And afterwards, …” The word "healed" means … .

11. Which one is NOT TRUE according to the text?
The young student freed the genie from the bottle
The young student found a genie in a bottle.
The genie gave the student a magic dagger
The student became a famous magician by using the dagger
The student could trick the genie to enter the bottle for the second time.

Text for questions 12 to 14

Kaka was born in Brazilia. From age 4 to 7, his family lived in Cuiaba, following his father, a civil engineer. At age 7, the family moved to the city of Sao Paulo, in the neighborhood of Morumbi, near the stadium of Sao Paulo FC. As FIFA says, " Kaka fails to fit the Brazilian stereo type of the kid from the favela who first played the game in the street with a ball made from rags. Coming from comfortable and cultured family, Kaka kept up his studies as long as they were compatible with his profession."
His talent was soon recognized. A professor called the family and suggested enrolling him in a football school. At age 8, Kaka was playing with Sao Paulo FC, where he succeeded in all categories. At age 14, Kaka used to wake up two hours early, to keep up with his studies. Kaka managed to conclude the intermediary cycle (eleven years) in Brazil, before dedicating exclusively to football.
In 2006, only 24 years old, Kaka was one of the main Brazilian players in the World Cup. Despite the abundance of good players, coach Carlos Alberto Parreira already said that Kaka would start as a principle. The groups formed by Kaka, Ronaldinho, Ronaldo and Adriano was called "the Magic Square" by Brazilian media fans.

12. Having recognized Kaka's talent, the professor suggested that ... in the football school.
he become a supervisor
he enroll as a member
he accomodate
he practice more
he spend his free time

13. The main idea of paragraph 3 is ... .
his talent was soon recognized
Kaka would start as a principle
"Magic square "was formed by Kaka, Ronaldinho, Ronaldo, and Andriano
a professor suggested Kaka's family enrolling him in a football school
Kaka was one of the main Brazilian players in the World Cup

14. "His talent was soon recognized." (Paragraph 2) The word "recognized" is closest in meaning to ... .

Text for questions 15 to 18.

Birds belong to a class of warm blooded vertebrate animals with feather covered bodies. Next to the mammals, birds are the most important group of land-living vertebrates. All birds have feathers, although in some types, particularly those that cannot fly, 'the normal structure of the feathers may be much modified and be downy, woolly, or straw like. The forelimbs of birds are modified into wings. The bony part of the tail, except in the very earliest fossil birds, is very short, and the visible tail is composed of feathers only. The teeth are absent except in some fossil forms. As in mammals-the only other group of warm¬-blooded animal-the circulation is highly perfected so that there is no mixing of arterial and venous blood, but the arrangement of veins and arteries by which this is accomplished, is different in the two groups. Birds have keen hearing, although they have no external ears. The sense of sight also is very keen, but the sense of smell is weak or lacking, except in a few vultures and other birds.
15. The passage is about the ... of birds.

16. From the text we can conclude that both birds and mammals have ... .
keen sights
keen hearing
weak sense of smell
downy feathers

17. Which of the following is NOT possessed by birds?

18. “… although in some types, particularly those that cannot fly…” The word "particularly" has the same meaning as …

Text for questions 19 to 23.

If you get up early in the morning you will see an unusual sight. In city parks and city streets, lot of boys and girls and men and women are already up and busy. But they are not working or going anywhere. They are exercising. Some are playing football or badminton and some others are jogging. What is jogging? Jogging is a gentle running. Why is jogging so popular today? Why do people jog? People jog to relax themselves, to keep themselves fit, or simply to enjoy themselves. Our world today is a world where life is comfortable and easy for many city people. Fast buses, cars, or motorcycles take us to work or to school. Lifts carry us quickly from one floor to another in large buildings. So many people get very little exercise.
What do you need to start jogging? You only need a pair of running shoes, an old pair of jeans or shorts, a sweater, and a little courage. Don’t be embarrassed if you meet your neighbour as you return home, hot and tired. When you begin jogging, start by running some of the way and then walking. Don’t jog too far too begin with and jog slowly. Once you develop a regular jogging programme, you will feel fit and well, and you will be ready to start a busy day feeling fresh and awake.
Next time you are at the swimming pool, look at the people around you, especially those who are over thirty. How many of them who have a fat stomach? Now you understand why more people today go jogging or do some other sort of exercises.

19. What will the reader feel after having a regular jogging programme?
Strong and fat
Well and fit
Fat and clumsy
Tired and exhausted
Weak and stressed

20. A person jogs regularly for …, keeping him/herself fit, and enjoying the time him/herself.
relaxing him/herself
to relaxing him/herself
to relax him/herself
relax him/herself
relaxes him/herself

21. “… you will see an unusual sight.” (Paragraph 1) What is the synonym of the word "unusual"?

22. What statement is NOT TRUE according to the text?
People like jogging because it is simple and enjoyable
People have little time to do their exercise because of their activities at work
Jogging doesn't need complicated rules
People who are over thirty usually have problem with their fat stomach
People go jogging is aimed to have ideal body

23. The communicative purpose of this text is … .
to retell events for the purpose of informing
to share the event with others
to denote something
to describe about jogging
to persuade the reader to go jogging

Text for questions 24 to 27.


Weather has a powerful effect on people. It influences health, intelligence and feelings.
In August, it is very hot and wet in the southern part of the United States. Southerners have heart attacks and other kinds of health problems during this month. In the Northeast and the Middle West, it is very hot at some times and very cold at other times. People in these states tend to have heart attacks after the weather changes in February or March.
The weather can also influence intelligence. For example, a recent study has shown that the IO scores of a group of undergraduate college students are very high during a hurricane, but after the storm, their scores are 10 percent below average. Hurricane can increase intelligence. Very hot weather, on the other hand, can lower it. Students in many on the United States often do badly on exams in the hot months of the year (July and August).
Weather also has a strong influence on people’s feelings. Winter may be a bad time for thin people. They usually feel cold during these months. They might feel depressed during cold weather. In hot summer weather, on the other hand, fat people may feel unhappy. At about 65 degrees F (Fahrenheit), people become stronger. Long air pressure relaxes people. It increases sexual feelings. It also increases forgetfulness. People have more packages and umbrellas on buses and in stores on low-pressure days. There is a “perfect weather” for work and health. People feel best at a temperature of about 64 degrees F with 65 percent humidity.
Are you feeling sick, sad, tired, forgetful, or very intelligent today? The weather may be the cause.

24. What may have a bed effect on health?
hot, wet weather
perfect weather
weather changes
high intelligence
cold weather

25. Intelligence may increase because of ……
very hot weather
a hurricane
low pressure
long air pressure

26. Low air pressure ……..
decreases fat people
increases forgetfulness
relaxes people
causes heart attack
increases IQ

27. In “perfect” weather of 64 degrees Fahrenheit ……
people are very forgetful
thin people feel cold
people work well
people are in better health
people feel depressed

Text for questions 28 to 30.

The Jakarta Post, a leading English-language daily newspaper, requires a qualified reporter. The following qualifications are required:
1. Indonesian citizen
2. university degree
3. good understanding of English, TOEFL score of at least 550
4. able to operate a computer
5. not more than 26 years old
6. pleasing personality, highly motivated and dynamic
7. willing to take a series of tests
Please send an application letter in English, a copy of current curriculum vitae, a photocopy of identification card, a photocopy of diploma, a photocopy of TOEFL score, a sample of writing in English, and a recent passport-sized photograph, to
Human Resources Manager
The Jakarta Post
P.O. BOX Palmerah, Jakarta, 11001.
Application should reach us before May 15, 2010.

28. Under what heading is this text likely found?
Job vacancy
Travel agency

29. The Jakarta Post is looking or a person who is qualified in ... .
teaching English
writing news reports
making a series of tests
leading a daily newspaper
being a human resource manager

30. The Jakarta Post, a leading English language daily newspaper, requires a qualified reporter. The word "requires" means ....

Elly : What did you visit?
Atar : Well, I went to Tanjung Marthafons and Amuhusa beaches. I also went to Siwalima museum.
Elly : Are the beaches beautiful?
Atar : … . They are very beautiful, and the sea gardens are gorgeous.

I think so
What a pity!
It must be good
Oh, that’s too bad
Oh, they are just magnificent!

Eli : How about the museum that you went to? Is the collection good?
Aji : Well, there are historic objects of Maluku there. There are other places that are also worth visiting, but I didn’t have enough time go there. But, still, I’m pleased with my stay there.
Eli : Yes, I can see that.
From the above dialogue we know that … .

Aji went to the museum and he felt satisfied
Eli and Aji went to the museum
Aji went to the museum, but he felt sorry
both Eli and Aji felt satisfied
only Eli went to the museum

Bety : Well, it's a pity. I can’t contact my family.
Cintia : What happened?
Linda : The battery of my hand phone is low.
Cintia : Don't worry, it ... here now. I bring the charger.

is recharging
has recharged
can be recharged

Shinta : What about the result of the discussion?
Joko : I haven’t known yet. The decision ____

will be announced
wasn’t announced
hasn’t been announced
was being announced

Yusuf : Do you feel like coming to my birthday party next weekend?
Septi : I’d love to but I’m afraid I can’t
I have to take my parents to my brother’s house in Jakarta.
What does Septi mean with her statement?

She declines the invitation
She wants to come to the party
She approves of the invitation
She doesn’t like the party
She object to the invitation

Perry : What is you plan for next Sunday?
John : If the weather is fine,I ...... fishing.
will go
would go
had gone

37. Rearrange these sentences into a good paragraph.

1. “It’s none of your business”, the young man said rudely. “This is a private conversation.”
2. I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round again, “I can’t hear a word!” I said angrily.
3. Last week I went to the theatre.
4. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors.
3 – 4 – 2 – 1
3 – 4 – 1 – 2
3 – 2 – 4 – 1
3 – 2 – 1 – 4
3 – 4 – 1 – 2

Questions 38 to 40 based on the following cloze test.
Octopuses are mollusks, a kind of animal with a soft body. Unlike other mollusks, such as clams and oysters, octopuses and squid have no hard .... (38) to protect them. An octopus is an animal without any bones. Surrounding the main portion of its body is a fleshy covering, called a mantle. Most of the internal organs of an octopus are inside the mantle. An octopus has two big .... (39), so it has very good vision. Seals, eels, and other sea animals prey on octopuses. An octopus' main method of defense is to shoot a cloud of dark ink into the water. The ink cloud confuses the attacker, and the octopus jets away. Octopuses can also .... (40) color rapidly when they are in danger. They change color to fit in with their surroundings. This helps them to hide from prey.




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Latihan Soal UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA Kurikulum 2013

Latihan Soal UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA Kurikulum 2013

Tidak lama lagi akhir tahun pelajaran akan berganti. Salah satu agenda rutin dalam menjelang pergantian tahun adalah penilaian akhir tahun pelajaran. Penilaian akhir tahun pada satuan pendidikan dilakukan sebagai proses pengumpulan dan pengolahan informasi untuk mengukur pencapaian hasil belajar peserta didik ke tingkat selanjutnya. 

Penilaian akhir tahun  yang juga sering disebut juga dengan ulangan kenaikan kelas (UKK) tersebut memberikan tolak ukur pencapaian kompetensi siswa selama satu tahun pelajaran. Karenanya mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal adalah sebuah keharusan bagi setiap siswa. 
source : Pixabay

Salah satu mapel yang mesti dipersiapkan adalah bahasa Inggris. Untuk mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal dalam UKK Bahasa Inggris maka mesti berlatih secara intensif. Salah satu jalannya adalah dengan memperbanyak latihan soal- soal yang relevan dengan apa yang diajarkan atau sesuai dengan silabus.

Ngomong- ngomong mengenai latihan bahasa Inggris untuk UKK, berikut ini sebagai pelengkap adik- adik kelas X SMA dalam mempersiapkan ujian yang akan dilaksanakan sebentar lagi. Latihan soal bisa dikerjakan secara online dengan skor yang akan langsung muncul setelah mengerjakan soal latihan. Oke langsung saja, berikut latihan soalnya,

Latihan soal UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA Kurikulum 2013

The following text is for questions 1 to 5.
Long time ago, there was no day. It was always dark and always summer. This was because the Kachina, a very powerful people had stolen the sun and the moon and locked them away in box. In the dim light Coyote and Eagle, two friends went to desert.
Coyote and Eagle had always hunted together, but Coyote could not hunt anymore because he could not see at night. Coyote suggested that they go to find the sun and the moon and make them light up the world. Eagle was worried. He reminded Coyote that the sun and the moon were very strong and it was dangerous to try to trick them.
In the end, Eagle agreed to help Coyote. While the Kachina were sleeping, Coyote and Eagle crept into their village, stole the sun and the moon, and headed into the hills.
Coyote told Eagle that he wanted to open the box containing the sun and the moon. Eagle said “no”, they must wait until after their travels and open it with their eyes closed. Coyote grumbled. He couldn’t wait to see what was in the box.
Finally he grew so curious that he threw it open. The light of the sun was so bright that it blinded Coyote’s eyes. The sun and the moon laughed and flew far away, up into the sky, where they are today.

1. What is the text about?
The Kachina was a very powerful man
Why there was no day
The Kachina had stolen the sun and the moon
The day was always summer and always dark
The beginning story the sun and the moon lived in the sky

2. “…two friends wandered desert” (paragraph 1). The underlined word means … .
traveled around the place with special directions
went from place to place without any purpose
went for a walk to get pleasure

3. Coyote steal the Sun and the Moon back because … .
The Kachina were sleeping
The Kachina had stolen them
He know the Kachina locked them in a box
He always hunted with his friend, Eagle
He could not hunt anymore because he could not see at night

4. What is the purpose of the text?
to describe the sun and the moon
to entertain the readers
to present the old story
to explain the sun and the moon
to persuade the readers about this story

5. Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the text?
Coyote could hunt although there was no day
The Kachina locked the Sun and the Moon in a box
Coyote stole the Sun and the Moon in the dim light
Coyote headed the Sun and the Moon in their village
The Kachina threw away the Sun and the Moon to the sky

The following text is for questions 6 to 8.
It was my birthday last Sunday. My mother bought me a birthday cake and held a party for me. I invited all my cousins and some of my friends. All of them came with presents in their hands.
I was very excited all day. I kept jumping about for joy. When the party was over, I sat on the floor with all the presents around me. Then, I opened them one by one.
There was a big box of crayons with twenty four different colors. Then there was a pretty doll which could sing and cry. I gave it to my two little sisters to play with. Both of them were very happy that they danced around. I kept the rest of my presents, a tea set, three story books, another doll and some colorful ribbons. My birthday was really a very happy day for all of us.

6. What is the most suitable title for the text?
My joyful day
My birthday
My pleasant day
My sweet memory
Unforgetable experience

7. How did the writer feel in her birthday?

8. Where might the party take place?
at a hotel
at home
at a park
at a hall
at school

The following text is for questions 9 to 13.
There was a fisherman who lived in Batak Land. His name was Batara Guru Sahala. When he was angling, he caught a fish. He was surprised to find that fish because the fish could talk and it begged to set it free. He did accordingly.
After getting free, the fish changed into a beautiful woman and Sahala fell in love with her. Sahala asked her to marry him and the woman received him. However, she asked his promised not to tell anyone the secret that she was once a fish. They were very happily married, and got two daughters.
It was a pity on Sahala. One day when he got very angry with his daughters, he forgot his promise and he broke it. He told his daughters that they were the daughters of a fish.
His wife could not forgive him. Suddenly, the earth began to shake and volcanoes started to erupt. The earth cracked and formed a big hole. People said that the hole became Lake Toba.

9. What is the purpose of the text?
To describe the ballads
To retell the past event
To explain what the Princess did
To entertain the readers with the legendof Lake Toba
To show the sad ending of the Sahala’s life

10. The text mainly discusses about _____
The Legend of Lake Toba
The Batara Guru Sahala’s life
The Marriage of Sahala with A Fish
The Broken Promise of Sahala
The Earthquake and Volcano’s Eruption

11. “He did accordingly”. (the last sentence of paragraph 1) The statement means........
He caught the fish
The fish could talk
He set the fish free
The fish changed into a beautiful woman.
He married the beautiful woman who once a fish

12. What was the Sahala’s promise to the woman?
He would set her free
He would treat her
He would marry her
He would take care of her daughters
He would not to tell anyone the secret that she was once a fish

13. Why did Sahala break his promise?
He didn’t love anymore
He got very angry with his daughter
He was too tired
The daughter was very annoying
He was an unbelievable man

The following text is for questions 14 to 18.
Prambanan is the largest Hindu temple compound in Central Java in Indonesia, located approximately 18 km east of Yogyakarta.
The temple is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is one of the largest Hindu temples in south-east Asia. It is characterized by its tall and pointed architecture, typical of Hindu temple architecture, and by the 47m high central building inside a large complex of individual temples.
It was built around 850 CE by either Rakai Pikatan, king of the second Mataram dynasty, or Balitung Maha Sambu, during the Sanjaya Dynasty. Not long after its construction, the temple was abandoned and began to deteriorate. Reconstruction of the compound began in 1918. The main building was completed in around 1953. Much of the original stonework has been stolen and reused at remote construction sites. A temple will only be rebuilt if at least 75% of the original stones are available, and therefore only the foundation walls of most of the smaller shrines are now visible and with no plans for their reconstruction.
The temple was damaged during the earthquake in Java in 2006. Early photos suggest that although the complex appears to be structurally intact, damage is significant. Large pieces of debris, including carvings, were scattered over the ground. The temple has been closed to the public until damage can be fully assessed. The head of Yogyakarta Archaeological Conservation Agency stated that: “it will take months to identify the precise damage”. However, some weeks later in 2006 the site re-opened for visitors. The immediate surroundings of the Hindu temples remain off-limits for safety reasons.

14. The purpose of the text is to __________
describe prambanan temple
tell the history of prambanan temple
inform the location of prambanan temple
describe how prambanan temple was built
retell the reconstruction of prambanan temple by UNESCO

15. The following characteristics are TRUE about the Prambanan temple, except ____
It was built in around 1918
It has tall and pointed architecture
It has typical of Hindu temple architecture
It is one of the largest Hindu temples in Indonesia
It has 47 m high central building inside a large complex of individual temples.

16. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
The reconstruction of Prambanan temple
Prambanan temple was damaged by earthquake in 2006
The closing of Prambanan temple for the visitors
The identification of damage to the temple after earthquake
The reasons to renovate Prambanan temple

17. “Not long after its construction, the temple was abandoned and began to deteriorate.” The word "deteriorate" can be replaced with _____
become worse
break down

18. Which statement is TRUE according to the text?
Prambanan temple is the largest Budha temple compound in Central Java in Indonesia
Not long after its construction, the temple was destroyed and began to ruin
The reconstruction of the main building was completed in around 1953
All of the original stones of the temple are still available and it could be reconstructed completely
Despite of the damage by earthquake in 2006, the temple was always open for the visitors

The following text is for questions 19 to 22.
SURABAYA: Padi front man Andi “Fadly”Arifuddin has joined the Indonesian Forum for the Environment (Walhi) to support the “One Thousand Rupiahs for the Mudflow Children Friendship”.
The program aims to raise funds for children whose families are victims of the Lapindo mudflow.
“The children of the mudflow victims must continue their education even though their parents have lost their jobs due to the hot mudflow. What I am doing now is out of conscience because these children of mudflow victims are future leaders of this nation,” Fadli said Friday.
“I, together with Melani Soebono, Rindra Risyanto Noor [Padi bassist] and Roy Jeconiah [Boomerang vocalist], have formed the Ring of Fire community,” he said. He added that the community had recorded an album that features Tony Q. Rastafara, Sujiwo Tedjo and the late Frangky Sahilatuhua.
“In the album, I tell a story about the deforestation in Kalimantan. I also plan to write a song about the children of the mudflow victims,” he said.

19. What is the news about?
Celebrities joined the Indonesian Forum for the Environment
The program to raise funds for children of the mudflow victims
Padi vocalist “Fadly” reaches out to children of the mudflow victims.
Padi vocalist’s plan to write a song about the children of the mudflow victims
The support to the “One Thousand Rupiahs for the Mudflow Children Friendship

20. What is the purpose of the “One Thousand Rupiahs for the Mudflow Children Friendship” program?
To remind people about the deforestation in Kalimantan
To join the Indonesian Forum for the Environment(WaIhi)
To raise funds for children of the Lapindo mudflow victims
To form the Ring of Fire community for the Lapindo mudflow victims
To get funds by writing a song about the children of the mudflow victims

21. Why Fadly is willing to join the program? Because ...
He does it together with his celebrity friends
He is out of conscience to support the program
He knows that the aims of the program is to raise funds
He had a plan to write a song about the children of the mudflow victims
He realizes that children of mudflow victims are future leaders of this nation

22. “The program aims to raise funds for children whose families are victims of the Lapindo mudflow.” (Paragraph 2) The word "raise" is synonymous with ....
look for

Text to answer number 23 to 25.

A unique entertainment awaits you
A special show starts at 3.30 p.m.
For an hour you will witness

 Crocodiles cleaned up, pacified and persuaded round dance to music
 A python grappling with a man, coiling round, trying to crush him, but defeated and help up height.

Come all, come and see it now.
Gather at the poolside
You can visit our Ghost House later.


23. What time will the show end?
3.45 p.m.
4.00 p.m.
4.30 p.m.
5.00 p.m.
5.30 p.m.

24. Why does the writer release the text?
To gain attention
To describe a particular animal
To retell the events shown by the entertainment
To persuade readers to see the entertainment
To entertain readers and friends with the entertainment

25. "Come all, come and see it now." The word "it" refers to ____.
The entertainment
The ghost house
The poolside
The python
The crocodiles

For questions 26 to 30 complete the missing words!
Every day, more and more ...26... is thrown from cars. It is time you do something about it and you can help.
Drivers like to throw away rubbish out of the cars. They often neglect the ....27.... of the environment. Drivers need to set a good example to children. This can ...28.... by having a rubbish bag in the car. Any rubbish would be placed in the bag ....29... put into a bin at the end of the journey. Make sure you have a garbage bag in your car. This is one of the ways that we can do to ...30... the environment clean.

A. smoke
B. rubbish
C. petrol
D. exhaust
E. passenger

A. balance
B. beauty
C. ecosystem
D. condition
E. cleanliness

A. do
B. does
C. did
D. to do
E. be done

A. after
B. before
C. then
D. finally
E. next

A. keep
B. care
C. improve
D. increase
E. develop

Rindu : Mom, I am nominated in the singing contest
Mama : Really! You are great, dear.
The utterance "Really! You are great, dear" is an expression of……..

Doctor : What’s happened to your son, Mrs. Rina?
Mrs. Rina : He ….. sick for three days.

has been
had been
will be

Teacher : “Why did you come late, Boni?”
Boni : Sorry, Sir. I … the bus.

am missing
was missing
had missed

Chandra : Where is my letter?
Donna : What’s letter?
Chandra :Your letter. You asked me to post it this morning.
Donna : Oh . . . .

It is posted
It must be posted
It was posted
It has been posted
It will be posted

Diki : You look very happy. Do you have good news?
Mary : Yeah. I got the first rank in my class.
Diki : Well done. Your parents must be proud of you.
The words "well done" convey about . . .

expressing hope
asking information
refusing offer
accepting invitation
expressing congratulations

Dina : Roni, have you heard that Maria won English speech contest?
Roni : Not yet, it is ...... She can’t speak English fluently.


Joy : ..... your English more often! It will make you speak fluently.
Bruno : Ok.

To practice
Don’t practice

Bintang : . . . coming to my house to have dinner with my family?
Marion : Of course not. What time do I have to come?
Bintang : We’ll be waiting for you at about 7.
Do you like
Will you
Would you like
Would you mind
Shall I take you

Dini : How is your mother, sandrra? Is she getting better now?
Sandra : No, I’m worried about her health, she is getting worse.
Dini : . . . .

How pity she is.
You must be very upset
Sorry to bother you
I’m sorry to hear that
Your mother should take a rest

Arrange these jumbled sentences into a good paragraph.
1. She could have drowned if a dove up a nearby tree had not seen her.
2. To reach the spring, she had to climb up a blade of grass.
3. After walking around for some time, she came to a spring.
4. While making her way up, she slipped and fell into water.
5. One hot day, an ant was searching for some water.

The best arrangement is ...

5 – 3 – 4 – 2 – 1
5 – 3 – 2 – 4 – 1
5 – 2 – 3 – 1 – 4
5 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4
5 – 1 – 4 – 3 – 2

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